Welcoming Anu Vaidyanathan On board With Educate Girls!

Anu Vaidyanathan is an impressive – and quite intimidating – woman who has already achieved so much at such a young age! Not only is she a bright professor with a PhD, but she is also a successful triathlete who has been traveling around the world for her sports. She uses her notoriety to raise money for causes she believes in and has recently decided to dedicate part of her time and her efforts to Educate Girls.
Let Anu tell us more about her support for our program and her dedication to girls’ education:
- Why do you embrace Educate Girls’ cause?
“Education has served to open many doors in my own life and I believe that it could potentially be the cornerstone to differentiate one’s self out of whatever circumstances one finds themselves in. Educate Girls is unique in both its leadership and focused efforts in Rajasthan, where several cultural and socio-economic factors come into play when speaking about educating women. Having taught in rural Punjab, I got a glimpse of the great disparities in opportunities between rural and urban populations, more so for women. I am very excited about working with a great team of thinkers and looking forward to being a part of their efforts.”
2. Can you tell us more about you and how you intend to use your multiple skills to help Rajasthani girls get the education they deserve?
“I have tried my hand at being an educator, an entrepreneur and an athlete, with no holds barred and a very supportive family. It would be a great privilege for me to share the lessons I have learned along the way (in terms of resilience, self-reliance and persistence) with the girls that are a part of Educate Girls’ outreach and also learn about the immediate barriers they face, understand how much of it can be solved by better funding and how much needs a deeper social debate (either in academic or other public forums) and contribute meaningfully to the objectives Educate Girls have set for themselves.”
3. What gets you the most excited/inspired about working with Educate Girls?
“I would be most eager to visit the field and understanding the gaps in the system that pose as barriers. I am also excited about sharing my knowledge about training for marathons and putting together to run on behalf of Educate Girls and potentially raising funds through sustainable programs in the future.”
4. What would you say to the children you’re helping? What message would you like them to keep in mind as they grow into confident young women?
“I would say to them that self-belief would get them further than any teacher or brand-ambassador can! More seriously, I would reinforce the fact that they are unique and worth every effort in helping their own lives along and that hard work would yield benefits.”
We are so happy and proud to welcome Anu on board and have her advocate our cause around the world! With women acting as positive role models, we can see change happening and a bright future for the next generation of girls!
Please read more about Anu’s incredible career and commitment on her website.
Twitter: #educategirls #impact #triathlete
Educate Girls
Posted on June 11, 2013
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