W For Work

‘W for Work’ is the last poster of our campaign. It emphasizes the difficult condition of many young Rajasthani girls who have exchanged school work for household work.
Did you know that …
▪More than 17 million children work in India
▪Rural areas concentrate 90% of the Indian working children
The Right to Education Bill, states that no child is supposed to work. Yet in India, especially in rural areas such as Rajasthan, millions of children still have to work to help sustain their families. Unfortunately, no laws protect children from doing exhausting house chores or spending several hours a day doing agricultural work.
Education is not part of every child’s daily life. Almost half of the girls who drop out of school do so because their families require them to take care of the household. They lack opportunities to get educated, play and experiment a proper childhood.
Statistics show that a large number of girls aged 6 to 14 spend nearly eight hours a day taking care of their siblings, instead of spending time in a classroom. Educate Girls send these girls to school instead.
Join our ‘Send Child Brides to School’ campaign and support us to send every girl child to school!
Twitter: #educategirls #stopchildbrides #genderequality
Educate Girls
Posted on March 21, 2013
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