Safeena Husain And Educate Girls Feature In The Wall Street Journal - Educate Girls

Safeena Husain And Educate Girls Feature In The Wall Street Journal

June 17, 2015 Educate Girls
Safeena Husain And Educate Girls Feature In The Wall Street Journal
An Educate Girls beneficiary learning at school.

An Educate Girls beneficiary learning at school.

An article in The Wall Street Journal has been released today about our Founder and Executive Director Safeena Husain and the work we are doing. In it, Safeena discusses the issues surrounding gender inequality in India, particularly in rural Rajasthan and how Educate Girls is tackling it.

To take a look at the full article ‘A Campaign to Get India’s Girls Into Classrooms’ click here.

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Posted on June 17, 2015

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