Notable points of the New Education Policy 2020

On 29th of July 2020, the Union Cabinet of India, gave approval to the new National Education Policy 2020 (NEP2020), which is meant to replace the previous education policy, by not only filling the educational gaps, but also transforming the manner in which education is offered. The goal of the new policy is to build an education system that is not only rooted in Indian ethos, but will prepare the young minds of the country to help transform the nation.
If one were to read the entire policy, they would notice that there is a reference to scientific research, which shows that 85% of brain development happens in a child, by the time he or she reaches age 6, but there are several children of that age and lesser, who are not even going to school. Moreover, lakhs of children who belong to socially and economically challenged backgrounds are not able to become a part of any early learning programs. Having understood this issue, NEP2020 aims at improving and strengthening the Early Childhood Care & Education system, ensuring the inclusion of children from underprivileged backgrounds as well.
The new National Education Policy will be giving extra focus on students who belong to disadvantaged and marginalised groups, because there is a proper realisation that only education can equip them with the right tools to build a better future for themselves. There will be special attention paid to young girls who come from such backgrounds and they will be given equal opportunities as boys.
Studies have consistently shown that in order to achieve social justice and to create a society that is truly inclusive, there has to be no inequality of any kind. And in order to ensure the same, education has to be free of factors such as caste, creed, financial status or background. NEP2020 also looks towards offering chances of continuing education, should there have been a break due to any particular reason or circumstance.
It is also interesting to note that the National Education Policy envisages education that is equitable and inclusive for all and the special focus will lie on children and youngsters, especially girls who come from economically and socially challenged backgrounds. Given that the dropout rates seem to be higher at secondary and higher secondary levels, there has to be a proper push to bring these girls back to the folds of education. It is in situations like these that organisations like Educate Girls come into the picture – we too are committed to bringing girls who have had to drop out from school at any point, back to the classroom.
The policy is also looking at identifying specific causes such as gender stereotyping and customs that have been around for the longest time that harp on the unequal treatment towards girls. Not only is the policy looking at making the curriculum gender sensitive, but also provide knowledge about hygiene and general health.
NEP2020 has also proposed to form a Gender Inclusion Fund (GIF), which will be used to provide not only education, but also create the necessary infrastructure such as proper toilets and support during menstruation, such as offering sanitary products at school itself. The new policy of education also suggests building hostels, which will accommodate girls who have to travel long distances to get to school.
Educate Girls has been working towards improving the girl child education situation in the country for over 15 years now and you too can join us. If you are looking for a way by which you can support the education of the girl child, especially those who have not had the kind of opportunities they deserve, make a donation today and help change a life!
Educate Girls
Posted on May 8, 2023
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