Here’s how education and health are intertwined

Whether it is the high infant mortality rate or the rise in deaths during childbirth, whether it is the problems that arise at the time of menstruation or the loss of a general sense of well-being after a high fever, there is a relationship between health and education. Although there will be naysayers who will say that there is no connection between health and completing an education, the fact remains that there is. Studies have shown that there is a direct link between education and reduced child as well as maternal deaths, there is a visible improvement in child health and there is also a reduction in population.
Let’s take a closer look at what is the relationship between health and education:
- The very first connection of education and health is related to menstruation – something that is common to all girls, but is often misconstrued. For many girls, the start of their menstrual cycle is the stop of education. However, when girls get an education, they are able to understand that this is a natural phenomenon and nothing to be worried or ashamed of.
- When girls are given a proper education, they will understand better about maternal health – they will not only know how to take care of themselves better during their pregnancy and also the importance of having a limited number of children. When a girl gets to go to school, she spends the younger days of her life learning, rather than spending them in childbirth and child rearing.
- Similarly, with an increase of participation in schooling, there is an obvious decrease in fertility rates – not only are there lesser infant deaths, there are also lesser deaths during delivery as well. Moreover, educated mothers will have lesser children, because they will understand that it would be easier to give a better life to a lesser number of children, rather than more!
- Whether it is during pregnancy and post childbirth, an education mother will know better how to take care of herself and her child. She will understand the need of a balanced and nourishing diet during her pregnancy, the need to have her childbirth in a proper medical facility and give her child the proper nourishment too.
- Should you want to understand the relationship between education and health, you only need to look at the health of a child born to an educated mother and one born to an illiterate one. Chances are that the child born to an educated mother will have better health and these mothers will able be aware of vaccinations and their importance. The survival rate of such children also tends to be higher.
As per the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) studies, the longer the girls stay in school, the more they will be able to earn and they will choose to have smaller families. All this will result in a better society and an economically improved nation as well, where all types of positive growths will be sustainable. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development aims to make a commitment to the global community of all girls and offering them access to information related to reproductive and sexual health. By offering them information and education about the importance of maintaining good hygiene and the need for proper sanitation, they will not only improve their own health, but also help with the creation of a cleaner society.
By bringing girls, especially those who have been forced to leave education due to social and financial problems, need to be brought back to classrooms with a sense of urgency. Having understood this, Educate Girls is working tirelessly towards bringing girls back to where they belong; which is the school. By providing them an education, we offer them not only an understanding of how they can lead a better life, but also how to have better health and finances too.
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Educate Girls
Posted on April 25, 2023
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