A New Year And A New goal
Thanks to the massive support and uncountable contributions we have achieved our fundraising goal, and our field staff is working diligently to enroll the remaining 3,210 out of school girls in Pali into revitalized schools. In the neighboring Jalore district, we have identified 19,956 out of school girls. To overcome the challenge of working with first generation learners whose parents are unable to impact learning outcomes Educate Girls has created village based volunteers recognized as ‘Team Balika’.
Team Balika are village based volunteers who facilitate scalable and sustainable community owned programs.They encourage enrollment of girls in school by mentoring the girls as well as their parents. Team Balika along with the School Management Committees (SMCs), work towards creating girl friendly schools. Through their collaborating efforts of Team Balika and SMCs the number of schools with separate girls’ toilets and drinking water facilities has increased from 44% to 71% and from 46% to 82% respectively.
For every girl that gets enrolled in school, there is one less a child bride. These champions for girl child education animate the principles of ‘My Village, My Problems and I am the Solution’. They spread awareness on the importance of girl child education and prevent girls from becoming child brides.
Twitter: #educategirls #teambalika #newyearnewgoal
Educate Girls
Posted on January 4, 2012
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