Payal takes a second chance at education and passes 10th grade successfully!

Payal Kumari belongs to a remote village in Pali district, Rajasthan. She lives with her parents and siblings – two brothers and two sisters. Her father is a daily wage earner. Payal dropped out of school after completing 8th grade to help her parents. This was due to the poor financial condition of her family and the fact that the school was far away. Thus, she had to leave her education midway.
One day, Pragati Prerak Divya was in Payal’s village talking to people in the community. She told them about Educate Girls and the work being done by the organisation. She also told them about Rajasthan State Open School and how girls and women who were unable to complete their education could take a second chance at completing it. She invited them to the Pragati Sabha, which was going to be held in their village in the upcoming days.
During the Pragati Sabha, Divya gave detailed information about the Pragati camp and the benefits and importance of passing 10th grade. She also told them that Pragati Camp would be conducted in the village, and the girls would not need to travel far to attend it.
Payal and some of her neighbourhood friends filled out the Rajasthan State Open School form and started attending Pragati Camp regularly. She faced a lot of difficulties studying again as she had been away from books for a long time.
Slowly, with Divya’s guidance and help, Payal became better at studying. She learnt with diligence, and whenever she faced any issues, she reached out to Divya or took the help of the Pragati Chatbot which helps learners with tough topics, answers their questions and makes learning fun and engaging from anywhere at any time.
Finally, Payal, a girl who was not too interested in school and considered weak in her studies, was able to pass her 10th-grade examinations this year! Her family members were very happy with her success. Before, they did not have confidence whether she could pass her examinations, and today, they proudly talk about her success. Currently, Payal is studying hard so she can complete her 12th grade. Her dream is to become an Anganwadi worker.
Educate Girls
Posted on October 25, 2024
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